Tyndale 1534 NT Facsimilie


Category: Product ID: 4350


The facsimile Tyndale New Testament 1534 is a reproduction of an important historical
work. The William Tyndale Publishers Limited uses state-of-the-art technology to
digitally reconstruct this important work, preserving the original format whilst leaving
imperfections and flaws present in the facsimile Tyndale New Testament 1534 of this
important historical work.

We do not repair any of the imperfections or flaws; any imperfections that remain are
intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical work. This text has been digitally
copied from the original 1534 edition of Tyndale’s New Testament, warts and all. Some
errors may persist; however, we consider it worth publishing due to the work’s historical
Please remember that this is a digital edition that is not perfect. Reprinted with all its
flaws and imperfections. The facsimile Tyndale New Testament 1534 is a true
reproduction. We here at William Tyndale Publishers Limited have no intention of
correcting any errors, words or letter misprints, we would not dare.

Also remember that the last time this book, Tyndale’s New Testament 1534 was
published, 490 years ago. The printing technology at that time in 1534 was very, very

This facsimile Tyndale New Testament 1534 is sold with all its flaws and errors. Some of
the fragile mustard color or yellowish pages, are not perfect, some pages have slightly
different shades of coloring but that is the true beauty of the original copy of Tyndale’s
magnum opus

Tyndale Design and Pages

Page size : 127 x 165 mm
Extent : 448 pages
Paper : Woodfee uncoated 80 gsm
Printing : 4/4
Endpaper : 8 pages 140 gsm woodfree offset, shade matching thin print pages,
Printed 1/1 PMS
Binding to book block
Binding : sewn
Page sequence : 8 pp endpaper
448 pp Text pages
8 pp endpaper
Bulk of book block : approx. 24 mm (excluding cover)
Binding Hardcover Linen Brillianta
Book block : rounded spine, plain edges with square corners
Head & tail band : G&W
Ribbon marker : no
Cover : Brillianta linen over 3 mm greyboard, gold foil embossing on front and
Spine (same for all editions), 3 mm overlap, square corners
Packing : in labelled cartons, cartons on euro-pallets
Ribbon marker : 1 x 5 mm Frieba braided